Lucid Dreaming and Dissociative Identity Disorder
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Sunday, May 21, 2023
Lucid dreaming is the act of becoming conscious in the dream state. It allows the dreamer to experience the dream with daytime awareness and gives them a level of control over the dream. As we are connecting with our subconscious in the dream state, it's possible to get ask to meet alters and learn more about their formulation and what they represent. After nearly 10 years of work with my own system, I believe this is an invaluable tool that can aid recovery.
Bio Maxwell Hunter
I first became aware of another person in my head when I was around 12. I told no one for a few years and once I did I spent a lot of time in the mental health system not getting the correct treatment. I started having to look for answers myself, which involved lucid dreaming (becoming conscious in the dream state) to seek out alters and ask them questions about their creation, why they are here and how I can help them. It's allowed me to get closer to certain alters and has helped with a degree of integration. This is something I feel very passionately about and want to spread awareness of.