Plural Acceptance Week (PAW)

Feel free to distribute, as is.
Plural Acceptance, liberating those who are many in one body, is the week of the 3rd Saturday of the month (Plural Pride) of July every year. The next Plural Pride Day will be Saturday, July 16th, 2022.
Plural Acceptance Week 2021
- Trans Plural Live Stream - For Plural Acceptance Week, join us this Friday, July 16th 2021 at 4pm EDT / 10pm CEST for the biggest Trans Plural collaborative live stream ever organized! Live for anyone.
- Saturday July 17th at 3:15pm-4:00pm EDT Building Plural Safe Spaces: One Body, Many Activists - The Rings System and the Alexandrite System - register for the free Alternatives conference for the link or email Crisses by Friday if you have trouble getting it from the conference folks
- Sunday July 18th 12pm-7pm EDT Plural Positivity World Conference
Plural Acceptance Week 2020
For 2020 we simultaneously held the Plural Positivity World Conference during Plural Acceptance Week. The conference is over, but feel free to check out the sessions (they're all still available) from 2019 or 2020.
Tune in to Plural Events on YouTube for our PAW videos!!
Plural Acceptance Week is a worldwide event that came about from a survey and consultation with community members in several groups from around the web regarding the need for acceptance and Plural Pride. Throughout the week there will were educational/interviews/resources shared, and other activities. The Saturday of Plural Acceptance Week each year is Plural Pride Day.
Plural Acceptance Week 2019
Tuesday - On Traumagenic Tuesday we join the #DIDchat on Twitter!
Wednesday - Quoigenic Wednesday — about quoigenic systems. Video with Sapphic Bouquet.
System composition, system member origin. Video with Power to the Plurals & the Crisses.
Thursday - Join in on #EnGenChat on Twitter!
Community contribution: Cambrian Crew — Endogenic & tulpa systems
Friday - Foundational Friday — issues co-occurring with plurality.
Sarah Clark from Power to the Plurals Q&A today inAlterNation on Facebook. If you are not a member yet, answer the group questions and you will be let in before the event starts at 3pm EST.
#FollowFriday and #PAW on Twitter.
Saturday - Plural Pride Day
Sarah Clark's Plural Pride celebration live stream on their own youtube channel.