Access and Inclusion in the Plural Community: How to create a safe and inclusive space for minorities and how to be a good ally

Serenity Serseción PhD

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This session will focus on issues of marginalization within the plural community, micro and macro aggressions across various groups. How to recognize our own areas of privilege and marginalization as plural systems and the systemic oppression which affects us all in different ways. Increasing understanding of each other as systems from different etiologies or mixed etiologies can help bridge the community and allow for more of a positive and productive discourse.


They/Them, Level Up Psychotherapy

Dr. Serseción is a plural, genderqueer, bilingual, Puerto Rican, and licensed clinical psychologist. Dr. Serseción has a private practice which focuses on the plural community, people of color, sexual and gender minorities, and people in various subcultures (kink, poly, furry, fandoms). Clinical focuses are depression, anxiety, trauma, and dissociation. They have worked as a clinician in various sites such as universities, community mental health agencies, hospitals and more. They were previously an interim director at a local LGBTQ+ specialty clinic. In addition to supervising new doctoral student clinicians and teaching psychology, and diversity courses at various universities for over 5 years. Regarding teaching and workshops, they focus on many multicultural topics such as cross-cultural psychology, the psychology of gender and community mental health; in addition to integrating multicultural topics into all their courses. They also teach other clinicians about working with plural systems from an intersectional and trauma-informed perspective.